I am very sick right now with pneumonia but I have been feeling better this morning so I will update the missing days later this evening. I am sorry to anyone who's been thrown off kilter by me not updating. I apologize.
Day 146: Famous Last Words
Posted by Sarah in blog, future, language, task, this book will change your life
Day 145: Urban Myth
Posted by Sarah in blog, education, social comedy, task, this book will change your life
Day 144: Machismo
Posted by Sarah in blog, fun, social comedy, task, this book will change your life
Actions speak louder than words. Remind someone today that your words can be backed up by your actions and show them how much they mean to you. Whether it's your best friend or a coworker, get out there and make someone feel appreciated today.
Day 142: Senseless Day 3
Posted by Sarah in blog, body, food, senses, task, this book will change your life
As for myself, I will attempt to eat food without flavor or spice today. There are plenty of bland, tasteless foods out there. I usually avoid them, but today I will give my stomach a break and avoid salts, sweets and spices. :)
Day 140: LOL KKK
Posted by Sarah in blog, fun, rage, social tragedy, task, this book will change your life
I'll let you make that decision for yourself. But personally, I never supported the idea of "turning the other cheek". I'm all for picking on those who pick on others. Comeupance is so much more rewarding than tolerance.
Maybe you'd just like to contact their headquarters and... chat. -_^
Day 139: Me, My Clone and I
Posted by Sarah in blog, body, education, fun, task, this book will change your life
Day 138: Knots Learning
Posted by Sarah in blog, education, future, task, this book will change your life
Day 137: Nibbled Nightmares
Posted by Sarah in blog, dream, education, food, fun, task, this book will change your life
This post will be updated as I try this:
- Saturday, 4/11: Swiss. I dreamt of something violent. John says I was yelling. I don't remember any of it.
- Sunday, 4/12: Blue Cheese. I dreamt of Maple Story. I think I need to cut back on how long I play the game.
- Monday, 4/13: Cheddar. I dreamt of the dirty dishes and my dishwasher trying to eat them.
- Tuesday, 4/14: Mozzeralla. I dreamt of being trapped at work and unable to leave. I woke up in a panic and dreaded coming in this morning.
- Wednesday, 4/15: Cream Cheese. I dreamt of being trapped in Maple Story as a character and unable to delete people from my Buddy List. Annoying people who want me to train them. NOooooooOOOoooOOOooo...
Day 136: Love Day
Posted by Sarah in blog, family, friends, love, task, this book will change your life
If you've already lost a loved one close to you then look around at the people you have left and let loose on the love! You may already know how regret feels, don't let it happen again.
It's never too late to say what you might have said.
It's never too late to do what you might have done.
Today is the day.
Day 135: Subtext
Posted by Sarah in blog, education, social comedy, social tragedy, task, this book will change your life
- That line that says "additional fees may be incurred" means you wil be charged for the "convenience" of everything from shipping to surcharges.
- The girl who tells you she'd "rather not work" even though she doesn't have children is a golddigger looking for someone to support her.
- That guy who says he's "not ready for commitment" is seeing someone else and hasn't decided who he likes more.
- The boss who says a job was "tailored for your unique talents" means no one else wanted to do it.
Today's the day to stop getting walked on. It's also the day to be direct with others. You've translated their subtext, now sit back and decode your own.
Day 134: 1337 #@x0r
Posted by Sarah in blog, education, fun, religion, task, this book will change your life
This site is an interesting site: http://www.wonderhowto.com/ which may or may not show you how to do some things which may or may not save you money or be legal. It's up to you. Don't do anything you feel unsure about.
As much as I'd love to hack into the web design of Scientology's front page and publish all the documents they keep hidden from the public like the Xenu story or their direct connection to and ownership of groups like ABLE, Applied Scholastics and NARCONON. But I don't fancy myself a prison personality. So, instead, I'll just keep publishing this information elsewhere and "hack" the real world instead.
I'll keep talking as long as someone will listen.
Day 133: Full Spectrum
Posted by Sarah in art, blog, education, fun, task, this book will change your life
As for myself, I've been wearing nothing but black and "insert bright color here" lately. Maybe I'll pull out the muted blues and tans I usually reserve for the summertime and lounge it up tonight instead. Afterall, today is the first day of my Spring Break. :)
Side story:
I paint in acrylics and to save money I only buy 5 colors and mix them to make everything else I need. White - Black - Red - Blue - Yellow. I learned to be cheap from art class color wheels! There was one painting which I needed metallic sheen for and splurged on some brass and silver, but that was my one discretion (and it looks awesome) so maybe expanding my palette was worth it afterall.
Day 132: Lucky Number
Posted by Sarah in blog, education, fun, number, task, this book will change your life
"What's your lucky number? Put it to work today!"
Mine is 235. There are a handful of people who may know why. Tonight I'll be playing 2-3-5 on Pick Three. Who knows what could happen? :)
Other ways you can use your lucky number is to bet on that horse, follow and athlete with the number, eat a set amount of food, find an item you've been wanting when it hits that price, make a wish, count your toes (or your blessings), get that many chores done today, write that many pages in your book, or just count that many stars this evening. Whatever it is you delight in, make your own luck today. Embrace the numerological joy of lucky numbers and be happy.
Day 129: Blessings
Posted by Sarah in blog, family, friends, love, task, this book will change your life
Here is a list of every culinary (edible) fruit wikipedia users could think of: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_culinary_fruits
That should help you get started.
Day 127: April's Fool
Posted by Sarah in blog, entertainment, fun, social comedy, task, this book will change your life
- At the end of the day, everyday, empty someone's stapler leaving only 2 or 3 staples. They will have to refill it everyday, and go crazy.
- Advertise a colleague's job as available. Leave their number with extension for contact. Be sure it is well paying and with low qualifications.
- Each day move a co-workers desk an inch.
- Drop a lemon slice or maraschino cherry into someone's water bottle.
- Spray glitter on anything.
- Move everything off someone's desk and into the office fridge.
- Play "Eye of the Tiger" everytime your boss walks in.
- Replace photos of friends and family with that of say Scott Baio, Eugene Levy, Drew Carey, William Shatner, or The New Kids on the Block. Also set their screen saver to a slideshow of these photos.
- Drop a rubber duckie into the watercooler when you are changing the bottle.
- Remove the ink from every one of their pens.
- Open a container of lice powder, and leave it in the bathroom. Say nothing to anyone. Panic will slowly rise.
- Put a brown paper bag in the office fridge labeled "squirrel"
- Before an important meeting, replace everything on a co-workers desk with the Hello-Kitty version or everything pink (pens with feather tops, pink pads, ...)
- Tape a really long memo or calendar to the inside door of the elevator.
- Install the Clapper on anything.
Most importantly, have fun and make sure you don't actually damage any property or your reputation. It's always best to prank friends and family, NOT someone you dislike. Never prank in hate.
This is my life...
My Goal
**Update** 4/27/09:
Not as sick any longer, so I'll be updating the missing days over the course of the day. Thank you to every who shared their concern. :)
**Update** 4/15/09:
I lost my book for a few days in the mess of Spring Cleaning, sorry guys! I'll be catching you up on the missed weekend. Thank you for being so patient.
**Update** 2/23/09:
This blog will be updated every day, however, feel free to follow any task on any given day! :)
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The New PostSecret Book10 years ago
With Regret15 years ago
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