Today's Task: 3/20 (OMG it's snowing again up here!)
"Print this pass (below) and use it to your advantage today. Whether you just get free drinks or hold up a bank is up to you, but remember it's a fake ID and I take no responsiblity for how you choose to use it."
I think I'll just use this to secure myself as the victor of every argument and debate today. "I WIN!" I'm not sure diplomatic immunity really works that way, but at least I can pretend it does.
What would you do if you could be above the law for one day? I think if I could really and truly not go to jail for something I did on a particular day, I'd break all the little laws I think are pointless, like jaywalking and recycling fines and protesting a cult without a permit. Oh and libel. Definately libel.
This entry was posted
on Friday, March 20, 2009
at Friday, March 20, 2009
and is filed under
social comedy,
this book will change your life
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