Today's Task: 3/8
"Clean your bowels and feel that deep down clean."
This whole concept kinda icks me out, to be honest. I mean, it sounds great on paper and in theory but actually going through all that? Ew. And for those of use who've had cancer scares and medical poking in those areas, we're not too keen on the whole idea of doing it for fun. Well, maybe not "fun" but voluntarily just to feel better about ourselves.
I don't have much to suggest on this. There are a million new age health sites pushing colon cleaners as the fix-all for everything. I just don't buy it. Anything that amazing and supposedly perfect for every ailment would be more widely used and accepted in real medical use. It wouldn't be some hack doctor who got his degree online. Just sayin.
This entry was posted
on Sunday, March 8, 2009
at Sunday, March 08, 2009
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this book will change your life
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