Today's Task: 1/20
"Experience the decadent lifestyle of a Rock Star."
I had to think about this task for a while. Being a realist, I have to admit that if we average janes and joes of the world attempted to do even a fraction of the things celebrity musicians do we would end up dead, in prison or both.
And so, I give you the list of achievable Rock Goals for the day:
- Write a song. If you're a writer of any sort, write some awesome lyrics bragging about how sexy/rich/awesome/metal you are. If you play an instrument of any sort, compose a short piece of music. Something for your first hit single.
- Dress to Impress. You know you have something flambouyant in your closet so today's the day to rock that look. Even if it's that dress you only wore to your cousin's wedding eight years ago. Just toss that over some cut up old jeans, neon socks and high heels and bam! You're awesome. I'll send TMZ right over.
- Strut. You look good. You know it. You better know it. I just told you you do. So walk like you know it and the whole world NEEDS to know it.
- Flirt like a pro. Apparently, and this is coming from the stars here, all you have to do is make the assumption that everyone on earth wants to sleep with you. Whether you act out on it or not is up to your current relationship situation. Either way, you should at least be holding your head a little higher and smiling more.
- Brag. It's not enough to just look like you are awesome. You have to confirm it. Send out a free press release today telling the world how amazingly wonderful you are and how much praise you deserve. Make sure to plug your new album/movie/child at every other paragraph.
\m/ >_< \m/
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on Tuesday, January 20, 2009
at Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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this book will change your life
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